Are you a college student considering purchasing a new car to bring to campus? If the answer is yes, then you may have heard all the reasons why you shouldn’t buy one, from exorbitant parking permit fees and classmates who always ask for rides to parking lot inaccessibility and the inability to immerse oneself in campus life. But while these are all valid points, they should in no way discourage you from buying the car of your dreams.
Scroll down and check out our list of good reasons why having a car on campus would be advantageous.
It’s been a couple of weeks since you started the new academic semester and the whirlwind of coursework and extracurricular activities is already starting to get to you. You feel like you need to take a break from it all and the upcoming weekend seems like a perfect opportunity. With a car, you can go home and visit your friends and family whenever you like.
The rainy weather has been getting worse and worse with each passing day. On any other day of the week, you’d take a long walk to class. Today, however, you don’t want to risk getting your books ruined or your electronics damaged. Driving to classes in a car will protect your belongings while simultaneously cutting the time it normally takes to get to campus in half.
You finally got yourself the part-time job you always wanted. You’re all set to start. The only thing that needs to be taken care of transportation. You need something reliable to travel back and forth without delay. It’s no secret employers look for applicants with reliable transportation. Owning a car not only allows you to get to work on time, but it also prevents you from dealing with missing a bus and coming up with an alternate route.
The weather hasn’t been this bad until now. Snow is piling up by the minute and has made walking out of the question. You also don’t want to risk slipping on a patch of ice and break your bones or your computer. With a car, you can get to campus safely and avoid having to worry about such things.
You’re surprised at how late some college courses are at night, but this is one course you really want to take. With a car, you can avoid having to leave classes early to get back to the dorm before dark. That means you can stay to take down valuable notes that may be on the next exam and keep up your good grades.
We at Boro hope these hypothetical situations will encourage as you consider getting yourself a new car. Looking to purchase or lease a new car? Visit our website to learn more about our auto loans and leases.